Monday, January 3, 2011

Do laws in India make it easy for Government to spy on its own citizens?

This has been a moral debate in India. I've seen many articles and debates on this and there has been no clear conclusion whether it is appropriate to do this or not. Many people think that phone tapping is a violation of basic citizen rights but it is a way to know before-hand about any criminal activities being planned on a certain country.
Phone Tapping by the Government need not be made much Fuss, since it does prevent lot of criminal acts on our soil as well as catch hold of traitors of the country. At last, what we all need is a safe and secure place, with honest leaders ruling us. 
So, why not use this medium of phone tapping to identify culprits and punish them?
An Honest person, who lives for the country, need not be afraid of phone tapping, as it is just an act of protection to the citizens. But, if you are a wrong-doer, yes, there is a lot of room to be scared of. This is what I feel and most of the intellects do agree to it.
The Indian laws do provide for phone tapping of suspicious citizens against whom there is prima facie evidence of indulging in corrupt and nefarious activities endangering the national security.
Unfortunately, these provisions are being put to abuse at the behest of some selfish political elements at the helm of affairs. In the present scenario of our democratic set up, phone tapping is an indispensable evil in the interest of justice and nation.
I don't think the current laws are lax that the Govt. can use the phone tapping on Opposition.
A recent statement by the Department of Telecom stated about the power of interception of telegraph messages in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India.
The acts of persons, companies, including Public Sector Undertakings, private vendors and private detective agencies establishing, maintaining or operating unauthorized communications network, including wireless network for unauthorized monitoring, intercepting and surveillance of communications violate the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 and Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 and persons or companies involved in such types of acts are liable to punishment as per provision of Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 and Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933.
While phone tapping is very essential we should also disallow the Govt. to use this as a tool against its political opponents.
Probably, what we need is a constitutionally constituted regulatory body, on the lines of N.C.C., N.W.C., N.H.R.C., etc., which would accord permission to tap a person or a group, after satisfying itself of the need, prima facie and also monitor the tapping progress and would be able to revoke the permission once it is satisfied that no such need exists anymore.
Let there be sincere and honest approach in resorting to such a lethal weapon.

1 comment:

  1. this a mental problem....if govt. taps the indian citizen's phone people will say that we r not terrorist..we r common people...but if govt. doen not tsp we hav many big ones supporting the terrorism and awful things....take the case of A raja
